When? Friday 3rd December, 7:30PM
Where? Online via Virtual Screening Room.
How? Once you've paid what you want for your festival pass, you'll need to let us know you'd like the code to this film. We'll tell you exactly how once you've got your pass. Log on at the time of the film, or a bit before to get chatting with the rest of the audience and to make sure everything's working, sit back and enjoy your cinema from home!

What's it about
Following the economic collapse of a company town in rural Nevada, Fern packs her van and sets off, exploring a life outside of conventional society as a modern-day nomad. The film features real nomads as Fern's mentors and comrades.
Nomadland, with its beautiful simplicity, and wonderful performances, manages to be an elegant, profoundly moving film which shows the real value of living, rather than just surviving.
The sheer compassion of Zhao's direction is one of the film's most elemental pleasures, while McDormand is one of those rare actors who can somehow make the act of listening as thrilling as a barnstorming speech.
The details
Rating: 12A
Runtime: 1 hour 47mins
Stars: Frances mcDormand, David Strathairn
Director: Chloé Zhao
Released: 2020